Imagination is a gift I feel responsible to open every morning.
The Green Place
Flying is easy without the heavy limits earth forces upon us. Dizziness interrupts what I thought was peace of mind, and I land at the bottom of a mountain.
Just ahead of me off to the right, I see a circular pool surrounded by what look like living statues. They are unfaded white in color and rest very close together. Suddenly they raise in unity and out of a posture of joyful worship, each creature launches water high into the sky, as if they were trying to bring water and sky together again like in the beginning. The water turns to mist that refreshes everything around it.
Including me.
As I look high towards the peak of the water. I see in the distance the top of the mountain and a mansion that stands above all the land. The mansion is far, roughly a lifetimes distance. There is a trail that leads to the highest part, but the hike is steep. Too steep for me, alone, to make. Each breath shortens in empathy for the hikers. The burden of their journey prevents me from moving.
I explored the land and felt the cool breeze along with an overwhelming emotion of green. I’m aware green is not typically described as an emotion, but here it was. And it was everywhere. Being there was more pure and true living. Light weight, but not fragile. Firm, but not stern. It felt easy to be there, as if living was intended to feel easy.
I left this place my body became easier to move. My thoughts became clearer and resorted back to words. One sentence came to mind with a simple and precise truth.
Downhill is easier than uphill, but uphill is promised to be worth the hike.
My Biblical Motivation
In 1 Samuel 13, Saul did not wait for Yahweh to guide him, he immediately acted without confirmation from the Lord. This led to disobedience, therefore losing his position and power.
In 1 Samuel 17, David also did not wait for Yahweh to guide him, he immediately acted with no confirmation from the Lord. But this led to obedience, solidifying his position and power.
What’s the difference?
The Lord never told David to kill Goliath. How could David know? Saul offered a sacrifice to God so that his army would be spiritually ready for battle? So why was Saul punished and David blessed? David didn’t even pray, Saul offered a sacrifice? This should be confusing.
Motive. Yet again, another story God preserved to show us how crucial motive is. Saul got scared, and even though he was told to wait, he took charge and acted logistically. Even going through the motions of traditional spiritual disciplines would turn out to be sinful. David got courageous, and acted in pure faith, knowing God will bless acts done for his glory.
Saul offered a sacrifice, expecting the Lord to bless him, so that he can claim victory for himself. David declared that the battle is the Lords, and claimed victory in the name of the Lord.
All Yahweh wants is to be seen and known as Lord. By agreeing with him that he is Lord, his endless love and supernatural power is given to us through his spirit. It is the responsibly of the believer to take time and grow intimate with Yahweh, so that we can know how to use his endless love and power to bring glory to himself.
A boy walks with his head towards the sky. He admires the trees that sway between himself and pure blue beyond.
“Why do I love these colors so much?” he asks innocently.
A comforting voice replies…
“I made them.” It was God.
The boy giggles. “Duhhh, everybody knows that.”
Suddenly the boy remembers, his last painting had the exact same hue of blue and tint of green by which he is currently surrounded.
“Wow! I made the colors as beautiful as nature!” The boy bounces as he speaks from a burst of joy and revelation.
But God peacefully interrupts, “Yes you did, but I made them first.
See, I created these colors, and the eye that allows you to see them, and the brain that allows you to think of beauty, and the soul that allows you to feel beauty.
The reason you think these colors are beautiful are not because you used them in your painting. You used them because you believe that they are beautiful, and that beauty came from nature.
From me.
The boy stops walking. He drops his little head in sadness and a tear begins to form. “My painting isn’t special?” he asks.
God quickly meets the boy in his thought. “No, my love, the opposite. Your painting is so special that I put it up for display in my home. I can’t wait for you to see it, and I am so proud of you for creating. Just like I do.”
The boy smiles. He wipes his tear and looks up again to listen.
God continues, “Anytime you create, you are acting just like me, and when you look to nature for inspiration, you’re admiring my second favorite creation.”
The boy pauses in wonder.
“What’s your favorite?”
God smiles.
“You are.”